SOLS Charter Initiative

About the SOLS Charter Initiative

The SOLS Charter Initiative Task Force exists to uphold the principles of the ASU Charter, building upon our promise to measure ourselves by whom we include and how they succeed, and guided by ASU’s commitment to Inclusive Excellence.

Since its formation in 2020 the task force has continued to build off the dedicated efforts of SOLS leadership, faculty, staff and students to understand the range, scope, and depth of the needs and opportunities within the SOLS community, with respect to research, teaching, training, resources, and community belonging; accounting for the deepest possible grasp of diverse perspectives and identities.


The School of Life Sciences Charter Initiatives Task Force works across our school, Arizona State University, and national networks, to develop an inclusive and thriving community where all people are honored, respected and can succeed.

SOLS Charter Initiative Task Force

The SOLS Charter Initiative Task Force is comprised of 12 members, which include staff, faculty, graduate students and postdocs. Each member will serve a two-year term.


Women in STEM

Special Advisor to Director for SOLS Charter Initiatives

Program Manager of SOLS Charter Initiatives

Sara Brownell
Juliana Calixto
Carolyn Compton
Nancy Grimm
Candace Lewis
Veronica Martinez
Zachary Shaffer
Abhishek Shrivastava
Va’Trelle Stokely
Noah Snyder-Mackler
Mehreen Tahir

Members 2022

Members 2021

Community Standards & Accountability

Send Anonymous Feedback to the DEI Taskforce.

Quarterly Newsletter & Reports

Annual Reports

Community Demographics

Milestones & Progress


Sharon Hall holding Kangaroo rat

School of Life Sciences awarded JEDI seed grants for inclusive STEM education initiatives

The School of Life Sciences, with others across The College, were awarded $9,550 for their interdisciplinary proposal “Natural Sciences INCLUsion DEpartmental (INCLUDES) Training Program,” and $10,000 for their proposal “RISE Teams: Improving Undergraduate Outcomes in Biology using Research for Inclusive STEM Education (RISE) Best-Practices.” These targeted initiatives will improve student outcomes in biology and STEM through inclusive curriculum, teaching and mentorship.

Natural history Collections

ASU center awarded JEDI seed grant to establish biocollections scholars program

The Biodiversity Knowledge Integration Center was awarded $10,000 for their proposal, “Biocollections JEDI Research Fellowship: Facilitating Equity and Inclusivity in Human-Nature Connections.” Scholars will complete a six-week summer research training experience, which will include a collaborative, curation-based research project and rotations between the core specialties of botany, entomology, vertebrate zoology and bioinformatics.

Zoom meeting

ASU faculty discuss equity and inclusion in STEM at virtual event

The College hosted a virtual screening and discussion of “Picture a Scientist” — a documentary film that chronicles the groundswell of researchers who are writing a new chapter for female scientists. The livestreamed discussion was led by Nancy Gonzales, provost pro tempore and outgoing dean of natural sciences, and Raychelle Burks, professor of analytical chemistry at American University in Washington, D.C., and one of the scientists featured in the documentary.


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Centers, initiatives and programs

Stay tuned to learn more about how to get involved in JEDI programs and initiatives across the School of Life Sciences and ASU, including training programs, inclusive teaching fellowships, and national research opportunities.

graphic showing a person engaging in online communication

Additional resources

We’ve compiling a set of resources for additional learning, perspective, support and involvement - both in and outside the ASU community. We will continue to update our spreadsheet, so continue to check back for latest book recommendations, article links and more!

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Upcoming Events

Save the date for the JEDI/HMMI retreat, coming up on April 9 and 23! We also hope you’ll join us for listening sessions, discussions, and seminars. Full list coming soon!