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Upcoming Events

Conferences and symposia 2023-24

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Date: Wednesday, Oct. 18, 2023
Time: 8:30 a.m.–5 p.m.

The summit will convene the ASU community to learn about current research and initiatives related to diversity, equity, and inclusion happening in the natural sciences at ASU.

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Date: Friday, Oct. 27, 2023
Time: 11 a.m. – 5 p.m.

A regional, hybrid symposium featuring innovative scientific research presented by graduate and undergraduate students.
Engage with cutting-edge research. Connect with next-gen scientists. Share your knowledge.

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Date: Spring 2024

This symposium centers on Indigenous data sovereignties as nation-building approaches to driving innovation in all discipline areas in Indian Country.

Thank you to everyone who joined us for the IDEAS Summit 2023! 

Signature Events

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BioSci Southwest is a regional symposium that engages both presenters an attendees to create a fun and community-oriented experience.

The symposium is free and includes admission to all events.

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This marquee event allows undergraduate students conducting research in life sciences to hone their communications and public speaking skills, as well as present their research to both fellow scientists and a public audience.

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The School of Life Sciences Undergraduate Awards Ceremony are presented at the end of the spring semester. A list of recipients are captured in our program books archived in MagCloud.

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Once a year, ASU Open Door invites the local community, adults and children of all ages, to experience ASU and discover why it was named the most innovative university in the nation six years in a row.

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A time-honored ASU tradition, Homecoming brings together students, parents and alumni to celebrate their Sun Devil spirit. The festivities highlight Sun Devil spirit through athletic events, activities, and entertainment.

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Once each month, we’ll meet over breakfast and coffee to talk about emerging issues in bioethics. Faculty, graduate and undergraduate students from our school and across ASU will also discuss related research opportunities.


Event and Seminar Submissions

Our events and seminar email is sent out early Monday mornings during the academic year.

If you would like to submit your event to be considered for inclusion in the School of Life Sciences email, you must  fill out the following form by noon on Wednesday before it publishes. Event Announcement Request Form. Please reach out to with any questions. 

Please include:

  • Seminar date, time, location, room number, building name
  • Seminar title, abstract, name of speaker, photo of speaker and speaker affiliation
  • Marketing text about event - no more than 225 characters
  • You must have permission to use the photo that is submitted