
Explore your passion

The life sciences delve into the basic organization and processes of life (microbes, plants and animals) at scales ranging from molecules to ecosystems and in time from picoseconds to millennia. This includes investigations into how hereditary information is transferred and organisms evolve, the interplay of organisms and their environments, and how these factors interact in health and disease. Students interested in a degree in life sciences can pursue a variety of careers ranging such as doctor, winery microbiologist, educator, researcher, environmental consultant, illustrator, business systems analyst, genetic counselor, and more.  

What can you do with a life science degree?

Curious what you do with a life science degree?

Curious what you do with a life science degree? Here is a list of some occupations that SOLS alumni have held.  This list is not finite and we encourage you to contact our  Career and Professional Development Services advising office to discuss even more options.

Have an event idea or want to partner on a future event? Contact Career and Internship Leads Christine Ditter (On-Campus students) and Ivy Esquibel (Online students).

  • Agribusiness Production Specialist 
  • Analytical Lab Technician 
  • Anesthesiologist
  • Assistant Clinical Lab Supervisor 
  • Assistant Professor of Biology
  • Atmospheric Scientist
  • Beekeeper
  • Bioinformatics Analyst
  • Biologist Environmental Specialist
  • Biology Professor 
  • Biology Teacher 
  • Biomed Computation 
  • Data Analyst 
  • Bioreagents Specialist
  • Blood Bank Supervisor
  • Botanist
  • Business Systems Analyst
  • Cancer Clinical Research Coordinator
  • Cancer Cyto Genetics Specialist
  • Cardiologist
  • Care Coordinator
  • Chemical Patent Technology Specialist
  • Chemotherapy RN
  • Chief Agriculture Officer
  • Chief Research Wildlife Biologist 
  • Chief Scientific Officer
  • Consulting Biologist 
  • Cosmetic Chemist
  • Cyber Geneticist
  • Cytogenetic Technologist
  • Cytotechnologist
  • Data Analyst
  • Director for Testing Quality Standards
  • Director of National Wildlife Refuge
  • Ecologist 
  • Educational Advisor
  • Emergency Medical Scribe 
  • Endangered Species Biologist
  • Energy Specialist 
  • Environmental Health Specialist 
  • Environmental Consultant 
  • Environmental Health Specialist
  • Environmental Quality Assurance Officer
  • Fertility Specialist
  • Field Botanist 
  • Field Engineer
  • Field Marketing Specialist 
  • Food Technologist
  • Forensic Scientist
  • Forest Planner
  • Game Warden
  • Genetic Counselor
  • Geneticist
  • Health Inspector
  • Health Promotion Consultant
  • High Altitude Descent Technician
  • HIV Specialist 
  • Horticulturist
  • Hospital Administrator Hydrologist
  • Illustrator 
  • Industrial Hygienist/Ergonomist 
  • Lab Director 
  • Lab Manager 
  • Lab Scientist 
  • Lawyer 
  • Manager Fish Hatchery 
  • Forest Service Manager 
  • Microbiologist
  • Molecular Neurobiologist 
  • Museum Director 
  • Music Therapist 
  • National Sales Manager 
  • Natural Resource Manager 
  • Ophthalmic Photographer 
  • Paraeducator 
  • Paramedic 
  • Pathologist 
  • Pediatrician 
  • Pharmacist 
  • Phlebotomist 
  • Photographer 
  • Pollution Prevention Program Manager 
  • Public Health Scientist 
  • Quality Assurance Microbiologist 
  • Science Teacher 
  • Science Writer 
  • Senior Phlebotomist 
  • Surgeon 
  • Taxidermist 
  • Veterinarian 
  • Videographer 
  • Winery Microbiologist 
  • X-Ray Technician 
  • Zookeeper

Tips for students attending our Career and Internship Expo:

First, join our career expo on Handshake.

  • Attend a Career Information Session to prepare before the event.
  • Research participating companies.
  • Know who you want to visit and why.
  • Prepare your resume and make sure it is free of mistakes. 
  • Prepare your elevator speech or "personal commercial." Make the most of this time and gain a potential employer's interest.
  • Bring a list of questions about the employers that shows that you know something about their company.
  • Get organized. Bring multiple copies of your resume in a folder.
  • Practice your responses to common interview questions.
  • Bring a pen and paper for taking notes.
  • Ask the recruiter what the best way is to follow up with them. After your interview, write a thank-you note or email, or make a phone call.
  • Dress professionally.
  • Make eye contact, have a firm handshake and show interest in what the interviewer is saying.

Employers and organizations interested in recruiting may purchase a table for our 2020 Natural Sciences Career and Internship Expo. 

Our event specifically targets students in the natural sciences who have an interest in Biological Sciences; Earth and Space Exploration; Mathematics & Statistical Sciences; Physics; Biomedical Sciences; Microbiology; Molecular Biosciences and Biotechnology; Chemistry; Biochemistry; Psychology. Last year, 400 students attended. You will have face-to-face contact with current undergraduate and graduate students, as well as some of our most recent graduates. 

Our Career and Internship Fair provides a great recruiting opportunity, as well as time to:

  • Increase awareness about your organization with students and faculty
  • Enhance your presence among the ASU scientific community
  • Distribute information about possible internships, career paths, and volunteer opportunities

Cost: Posted on Handshake

Includes: access to the Virtual Career Fair Platform in Handshake with 1:1 Video Chat capabilities and/or options for Group Information Sessions. You may have up to 15 representatives in your virtual booth space (allowing for up to 15 private 1:1 chats, simultaneously). Post event, you will have access to all attendees who registered for the event.

Registration deadline

The fair will remain open until all spots are filled.

  • Register Now

Registration powered by Handshake.

Do's and Don'ts

Organizations may bring position descriptions, brochures, business cards and handouts that promote itself to potential employees. This event is for recruitment purposes only and is not for sales purposes.

Tabletop signs and branded tablecloths must fit on a six-foot table. You may not bring floor signs or post anything on our walls. All materials must be contained on top of the 6-foot table provided.

We hope that you can join us for this terrific recruiting opportunity.

  • Aerotek
  • Apex Life Sciences
  • Arizona Animal Welfare League
  • Arizona Facilities Supply
  • ASU College of Health Solutions
  • ASU Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College
  • ASU Office of Clinical Partnerships, Pre-Health Internship Programs
  • ASU School for the Future of Innovation in Society
  • ASU School of Life Sciences Graduate Programs
  • Floratech
  • Great Hearts Academies
  • Keck Graduate Institute
  • Maricopa Integrated Health System
  • OdySea Aquarium
  • Renature, Inc.
  • SOLUR (School of Life Sciences Undergraduate Research)
  • TGen 
  • University of Arizona, College of Public Health

Final employer participant list subject to change prior to the Career Fair. Check back prior to the event for the final listing.

Connect and build skills through professional organizations 

It is never too early to start building your professional network and knowledge by getting involved in professional organizations related to the life sciences or other personal interests.

'Science of ...' career exploration events

Periodically the undergraduate advising office organizes events where students can explore unexpected pathways utilizing their life science education and skill set.  Click below to view the recordings from past events:

Have an event idea or want to partner on a future event? Contact Career and Internship Leads Christine Ditter (On-Campus students) and Ivy Esquibel (Online students).

The Career and Professional Development Services office can help you plan your career and develop job-search skills: 

  • Explore career pathways
  • Create a winning resume
  • Connect with ASU alumni and other professionals through the ASU Mentor Network
  • Find jobs and internships through Handshake
  • Prepare for graduate or professional school
  • Practice interview skills
  • Workshops and career-related events

The career advising team is available for the rest of your life as you move through different phases of your career.  They are located on every campus as well as through ASU Online.

Free membership with AZBio

As a student in the School of Life Sciences, you are eligible for a free Life Sciences Student membership with the Arizona Bioindustry Association (AZBio).  You can get involved by:

Organizations for underrepresented groups

Life science professional organizations

We encourage you to explore professional associations related to your career and personal interests to connect and learn about new job opening and internship opportunities.  Many organizations offer discounted or free memberships for students, as well as student clubs on campuses.